Cindy Bernard

Cindy Bernard is a Los-Angeles based artist whose artistic practice comprises photography, video, performance and activism. In 2002, Cindy Bernard founded the Society for the Activation of Social Space through Art and Sound(SASSAS), which presents site-relational experimental music. Her numerous Hitchcock references have been discussed in Dan Auiler's Vertigo: The Making of a Hitchcock Classic (1998), essays by Douglas Cunningham and Christine Spengler in The San Francisco of Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo: Place, Pilgrimage and Commemoration (2012) and Spengler's Hitchcock and Contemporary Art (2014).

Cindy Bernard

Cindy Bernard is a Los-Angeles based artist whose artistic practice comprises photography, video, performance and activism. In 2002, Cindy Bernard founded the Society for the Activation of Social Space through Art and Sound(SASSAS), which presents site-relational experimental music. Her numerous Hitchcock references have been discussed in Dan Auiler's Vertigo: The Making of a Hitchcock Classic (1998), essays by Douglas Cunningham and Christine Spengler in The San Francisco of Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo: Place, Pilgrimage and Commemoration (2012) and Spengler's Hitchcock and Contemporary Art (2014).