Citrine (programming language)

Citrine is a general purpose programming language for Unix-like operating systems. It focuses on readability and maintainability. Readability is achieved by syntactic and conceptual minimalism. The language is heavily inspired by Smalltalk and Self but has some very distinctive features. Like Smalltalk, Citrine treats everything as an object and focuses on sending messages to these objects. However unlike Smalltalk, Citrine lacks the concept of a class. In this regard, Citrine is more like Self and JavaScript because it uses prototypes. The combination of Smalltalk like messages and prototypes is what makes Citrine unique.

Citrine (programming language)

Citrine is a general purpose programming language for Unix-like operating systems. It focuses on readability and maintainability. Readability is achieved by syntactic and conceptual minimalism. The language is heavily inspired by Smalltalk and Self but has some very distinctive features. Like Smalltalk, Citrine treats everything as an object and focuses on sending messages to these objects. However unlike Smalltalk, Citrine lacks the concept of a class. In this regard, Citrine is more like Self and JavaScript because it uses prototypes. The combination of Smalltalk like messages and prototypes is what makes Citrine unique.