City & State

City & State is political journalism organization based in New York City. The company publishes a weekly magazine covering politics and government in New York City and New York State that is distributed to New York State legislators, county executives, municipalities, the New York Congressional delegation, New York City Council members and others leaders in New York business and government. After years of publishing a twice-monthly print edition, "City & State" has announced plans to switch to a weekly in January 2016. "City & State" also publishes on their website and sends out a free First Read daily email. In May of 2016 the company also launched a monthly magazine based in Philadelphia and a website.

City & State

City & State is political journalism organization based in New York City. The company publishes a weekly magazine covering politics and government in New York City and New York State that is distributed to New York State legislators, county executives, municipalities, the New York Congressional delegation, New York City Council members and others leaders in New York business and government. After years of publishing a twice-monthly print edition, "City & State" has announced plans to switch to a weekly in January 2016. "City & State" also publishes on their website and sends out a free First Read daily email. In May of 2016 the company also launched a monthly magazine based in Philadelphia and a website.