Civilization: Is the West History?

Civilization: Is the West History? is a 2011 British TV documentary that tells how Western civilization, in five centuries, transformed into the dominating civilization in the world. Presented by Niall Ferguson, the show reveals the 'killer apps' of the West's success – competition, science, the property owning democracy, modern medicine, the consumer society and the Protestant work ethic – the real explanation of how, for five centuries, a clear minority of mankind managed to secure the majority of the earth's resources.

Civilization: Is the West History?

Civilization: Is the West History? is a 2011 British TV documentary that tells how Western civilization, in five centuries, transformed into the dominating civilization in the world. Presented by Niall Ferguson, the show reveals the 'killer apps' of the West's success – competition, science, the property owning democracy, modern medicine, the consumer society and the Protestant work ethic – the real explanation of how, for five centuries, a clear minority of mankind managed to secure the majority of the earth's resources.