Clam dip

Clam dip is a dipping sauce and condiment prepared with clams, sour cream or cream cheese, and seasonings as primary ingredients. Various additional ingredients can be used. It is usually served chilled, although it is sometimes served hot or at room temperature. It is used as a dip for potato chips, crackers, bread, and crudités. After a recipe for the dip was presented during a popular U.S. radio show, canned clams in New York City sold out in 24 hours. Commercial varieties of clam dip are mass-produced by some companies and marketed to consumers in grocery stores and supermarkets.

Clam dip

Clam dip is a dipping sauce and condiment prepared with clams, sour cream or cream cheese, and seasonings as primary ingredients. Various additional ingredients can be used. It is usually served chilled, although it is sometimes served hot or at room temperature. It is used as a dip for potato chips, crackers, bread, and crudités. After a recipe for the dip was presented during a popular U.S. radio show, canned clams in New York City sold out in 24 hours. Commercial varieties of clam dip are mass-produced by some companies and marketed to consumers in grocery stores and supermarkets.