Clerical People's Party

Kyrkliga Folkpartiet (English: Clerical People's Party or Popular Party) a minor pro-fascist party in Sweden founded in 1930. The party was formed a led by Ivar Rhedin, a priest in the Church of Sweden. Rhedin was the editor of Göteborgs Stiftstidning (Magazine of the Diocese of Gothenburg), in which he wrote many pro-German articles. The party was an ally of the main Nazi party in Sweden, National Socialist Workers Party. But the cooperation between the two parties didn't last. Although both groups were staunch antisemites, their approaches toward the Jews were somewhat different. Rhedin, as a conservative Christian, was against the Jews as a religious community. NSAP were against the Jews as a race. Rhedin had no problem in accepting Jews who converted to Christianity, whereas NSAP and o

Clerical People's Party

Kyrkliga Folkpartiet (English: Clerical People's Party or Popular Party) a minor pro-fascist party in Sweden founded in 1930. The party was formed a led by Ivar Rhedin, a priest in the Church of Sweden. Rhedin was the editor of Göteborgs Stiftstidning (Magazine of the Diocese of Gothenburg), in which he wrote many pro-German articles. The party was an ally of the main Nazi party in Sweden, National Socialist Workers Party. But the cooperation between the two parties didn't last. Although both groups were staunch antisemites, their approaches toward the Jews were somewhat different. Rhedin, as a conservative Christian, was against the Jews as a religious community. NSAP were against the Jews as a race. Rhedin had no problem in accepting Jews who converted to Christianity, whereas NSAP and o