Climate Change Performance Index

The Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI) is an annual publication by Germanwatch and Climate Action Network Europe. It evaluates the climate protection performance of 58 countries, responsible for over 90% of global energy-related CO2 emissions. CCPI 2013 publication covers CO2 emissions from the fossil fuels, except emissions from the shipping industry. Following CCPI 2013 publication may include emissions from deforestation, agriculture and waste. 50% of the evaluation is based on emissions trend, 30% on emissions level and 20% on national and international climate policy assessments made by more than 200 experts. The most recent results (published December 2014) illustrate that efforts are still insufficient to prevent dangerous climate change. Thus, no country received rankings one

Climate Change Performance Index

The Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI) is an annual publication by Germanwatch and Climate Action Network Europe. It evaluates the climate protection performance of 58 countries, responsible for over 90% of global energy-related CO2 emissions. CCPI 2013 publication covers CO2 emissions from the fossil fuels, except emissions from the shipping industry. Following CCPI 2013 publication may include emissions from deforestation, agriculture and waste. 50% of the evaluation is based on emissions trend, 30% on emissions level and 20% on national and international climate policy assessments made by more than 200 experts. The most recent results (published December 2014) illustrate that efforts are still insufficient to prevent dangerous climate change. Thus, no country received rankings one