Clube do Hardware

Based in Brazil, Clube do Hardware (meaning "Hardware Club" in Brazilian Portuguese) is one of the largest websites about computers in South America and also one of the biggest in the world. According to Alexa, Clube do Hardware is the 98th most accessed website in Brazil and the 30th largest website in Portuguese in the world. Clube do Hardware publishes tutorials, articles, reviews, and news about computer hardware and has a very active forum where users can discuss technology topics.

Clube do Hardware

Based in Brazil, Clube do Hardware (meaning "Hardware Club" in Brazilian Portuguese) is one of the largest websites about computers in South America and also one of the biggest in the world. According to Alexa, Clube do Hardware is the 98th most accessed website in Brazil and the 30th largest website in Portuguese in the world. Clube do Hardware publishes tutorials, articles, reviews, and news about computer hardware and has a very active forum where users can discuss technology topics.