Coalició Compromís

Coalició Compromís (Valencian pronunciation: [koalisiˈo kompɾoˈmis]; English: Commitment Coalition) is a Valencianist political party, originally an electoral coalition, in Valencia, Spain. The parties involved include the Valencian Nationalist Bloc, the left-wing Valencian People's Initiative, and a group of environmentalist (Verds Equo) and independent parties. Together they defend Valencianist, progressive and ecological politics. Compromís was founded in January 2010 to participate in the 2011 elections to the Valencian parliament, and the 2011 local elections.

Coalició Compromís

Coalició Compromís (Valencian pronunciation: [koalisiˈo kompɾoˈmis]; English: Commitment Coalition) is a Valencianist political party, originally an electoral coalition, in Valencia, Spain. The parties involved include the Valencian Nationalist Bloc, the left-wing Valencian People's Initiative, and a group of environmentalist (Verds Equo) and independent parties. Together they defend Valencianist, progressive and ecological politics. Compromís was founded in January 2010 to participate in the 2011 elections to the Valencian parliament, and the 2011 local elections.