
The coble is a type of open traditional fishing boat which developed on the North East coast of England. The southern-most examples occur around Hull (although Cooke drew examples at Yarmouth, see his Shipping and Craftseries of drawings of 1829); the type extends to Burnmouth just across the Scottish border. Today, surviving cobles generally use diesel engines, removing the need for the distinctively shaped lug sail. In a further concession to comfort, a tarpaulin shelter often covers the bow.


The coble is a type of open traditional fishing boat which developed on the North East coast of England. The southern-most examples occur around Hull (although Cooke drew examples at Yarmouth, see his Shipping and Craftseries of drawings of 1829); the type extends to Burnmouth just across the Scottish border. Today, surviving cobles generally use diesel engines, removing the need for the distinctively shaped lug sail. In a further concession to comfort, a tarpaulin shelter often covers the bow.