Cohors I Alpinorum peditata

Cohors prima Alpinorum peditata ("1st infantry Cohort of Alpini") was a Roman auxiliary infantry regiment. It was probably raised as one of 4-6 Alpini regiments recruited after the final annexation of the western Alpine regions by emperor Augustus in 15 BC. Alpini was a generic name covering several Celtic-speaking mountain tribes inhabiting the Alps between Italy and Gaul, which were organised as the Tres Alpes provinces. It was originally stationed either on the Rhine or in Illyricum. The modern Italian Army still today contains crack regiments called Alpini.

Cohors I Alpinorum peditata

Cohors prima Alpinorum peditata ("1st infantry Cohort of Alpini") was a Roman auxiliary infantry regiment. It was probably raised as one of 4-6 Alpini regiments recruited after the final annexation of the western Alpine regions by emperor Augustus in 15 BC. Alpini was a generic name covering several Celtic-speaking mountain tribes inhabiting the Alps between Italy and Gaul, which were organised as the Tres Alpes provinces. It was originally stationed either on the Rhine or in Illyricum. The modern Italian Army still today contains crack regiments called Alpini.