Combat Exclusion Policy

The ground combat exclusion policy of the United States Army dates back to 1948 when the Women's Armed Services Integration Act of 1948 excluded women from combat positions. On April 28, 1993, combat exclusion was lifted from aviation positions by Secretary of Defense Les Aspin, permitting women to serve in almost any aviation capacity. Some restrictions were maintained on aviation units in direct support of ground units and special operations aviation units. In 1994, the Pentagon declared:

Combat Exclusion Policy

The ground combat exclusion policy of the United States Army dates back to 1948 when the Women's Armed Services Integration Act of 1948 excluded women from combat positions. On April 28, 1993, combat exclusion was lifted from aviation positions by Secretary of Defense Les Aspin, permitting women to serve in almost any aviation capacity. Some restrictions were maintained on aviation units in direct support of ground units and special operations aviation units. In 1994, the Pentagon declared: