Commandos Marine

The Commandos Marine are the special operation forces of the French Navy. They are made up of some 600 members plus support, mostly based in northwestern France (Brittany), with several bases across the country for specific training needs. The Commandos Marine are nicknamed bérets verts (Green Berets). They operate under the Naval Riflemen and Special Operations Forces Command (ALFUSCO) and form part of the French Special Operations Command.

Commandos Marine

The Commandos Marine are the special operation forces of the French Navy. They are made up of some 600 members plus support, mostly based in northwestern France (Brittany), with several bases across the country for specific training needs. The Commandos Marine are nicknamed bérets verts (Green Berets). They operate under the Naval Riflemen and Special Operations Forces Command (ALFUSCO) and form part of the French Special Operations Command.