
Commo is a telecommunications program which was written and maintained from 1989 to 1998 by Fred P. Brucker. It was a macro-driven package and could be customized by the user. The program, written in optimized assembly language and distributed as shareware, was small and fast. {:alx} {info-qs0 Really exit?} {ifco ,alxn} {exit} {:alxn} {} The program's macro and configuration files were free-form text which could be edited with any text editor. This led to popularity among those who wanted to be able to configure the program. Mr. Brucker released the last version of COMMO on 25 December 1998.


Commo is a telecommunications program which was written and maintained from 1989 to 1998 by Fred P. Brucker. It was a macro-driven package and could be customized by the user. The program, written in optimized assembly language and distributed as shareware, was small and fast. {:alx} {info-qs0 Really exit?} {ifco ,alxn} {exit} {:alxn} {} The program's macro and configuration files were free-form text which could be edited with any text editor. This led to popularity among those who wanted to be able to configure the program. Mr. Brucker released the last version of COMMO on 25 December 1998.