Comprehensive sex education

Comprehensive sex education is a sex education instruction method where students gain knowledge, attitudes, skills and values to make appropriate and healthy choices in their sexual behavior, thus preventing them from sexually transmitted infections, including HIV and HPV, teenage or unwanted pregnancies, and from domestic and sexual violence, contributing to a greater society. It covers sexual abstinence topics but in comprehensive way also involves topics like human sexual activity, age of consent, safe sex, birth control and use of condoms.

Comprehensive sex education

Comprehensive sex education is a sex education instruction method where students gain knowledge, attitudes, skills and values to make appropriate and healthy choices in their sexual behavior, thus preventing them from sexually transmitted infections, including HIV and HPV, teenage or unwanted pregnancies, and from domestic and sexual violence, contributing to a greater society. It covers sexual abstinence topics but in comprehensive way also involves topics like human sexual activity, age of consent, safe sex, birth control and use of condoms.