Concheros string instruments

The concheros string instruments are Mexican plucked instruments that consist of three variants: * mandolino de concheros or mandolina conchera: with 4 double courses (8 strings) * vihuela de concheros or vihuela conchera: with 5 double courses (10 strings) * guitarra de concheros or guitarra conchera: with 6 double courses (12 strings)

Concheros string instruments

The concheros string instruments are Mexican plucked instruments that consist of three variants: * mandolino de concheros or mandolina conchera: with 4 double courses (8 strings) * vihuela de concheros or vihuela conchera: with 5 double courses (10 strings) * guitarra de concheros or guitarra conchera: with 6 double courses (12 strings)