
Connexionalism (or sometimes connectionalism) is the theological understanding and foundation of Methodist church governance ("ecclesiastical polity"), as practised in the British Methodist Church, the American United Methodist Church, African Methodist Episcopal Church, African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, Christian Methodist Episcopal Church and many of the countries where Methodism was established by missionaries sent out from these Churches. In the American church, where bishops are used, connexionalism is a variety of episcopal polity; however, in some countries the title of bishop may be used without any change in the Connexional polity. In world Methodism, a given Connexion is usually autonomous.


Connexionalism (or sometimes connectionalism) is the theological understanding and foundation of Methodist church governance ("ecclesiastical polity"), as practised in the British Methodist Church, the American United Methodist Church, African Methodist Episcopal Church, African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, Christian Methodist Episcopal Church and many of the countries where Methodism was established by missionaries sent out from these Churches. In the American church, where bishops are used, connexionalism is a variety of episcopal polity; however, in some countries the title of bishop may be used without any change in the Connexional polity. In world Methodism, a given Connexion is usually autonomous.