Connie Francis Sings Bacharach & David

Connie Francis sings Bacharach & David is studio album recorded by American entertainer Connie Francis. The album features a collection of songs written by the legendary 1960s songwriting duo Burt Bacharach and Hal David. Francis had already begun to work on this project in April 1968 under the musical supervision of Teddy Randazzo, a former fellow high school student. Unsatisfied with Randazzo's working methods, Francis had abandoned the project after recording only three songs.

Connie Francis Sings Bacharach & David

Connie Francis sings Bacharach & David is studio album recorded by American entertainer Connie Francis. The album features a collection of songs written by the legendary 1960s songwriting duo Burt Bacharach and Hal David. Francis had already begun to work on this project in April 1968 under the musical supervision of Teddy Randazzo, a former fellow high school student. Unsatisfied with Randazzo's working methods, Francis had abandoned the project after recording only three songs.