Conspiracy (demogroup)

Conspiracy is a Hungarian demogroup founded in late 2002. Being an amalgamation of various other groups, founding members were members of demogroups Digital Dynamite, Inquisition and Ümlaüt Design. Although a relatively new group, Conspiracy has already received critical acclaim within the demoscene. Their first production, "Project Genesis", was released during the week of Easter 2003 at the Breakpoint demoparty and received first place in the 64kb category. With the exception of SE2004, Conspiracy has consistently placed first in every 64kb competition they've entered until 2006, including their 2005 intro, "Binary Flow" released at Breakpoint 2005.

Conspiracy (demogroup)

Conspiracy is a Hungarian demogroup founded in late 2002. Being an amalgamation of various other groups, founding members were members of demogroups Digital Dynamite, Inquisition and Ümlaüt Design. Although a relatively new group, Conspiracy has already received critical acclaim within the demoscene. Their first production, "Project Genesis", was released during the week of Easter 2003 at the Breakpoint demoparty and received first place in the 64kb category. With the exception of SE2004, Conspiracy has consistently placed first in every 64kb competition they've entered until 2006, including their 2005 intro, "Binary Flow" released at Breakpoint 2005.