Converters (industry)

Converting companies are companies that specialize in combining raw materials such as polyesters, adhesives, silicone, tapes, foams, plastics, felts, rubbers, liners and metals, as well as other materials, to create new products. Typical converting processes are coating, laminating and printing. Coating technologies can include hot melt coating, gravure coating, curtain coating and slot-die coating. The most common printing techniques are flexo printing and rotogravure (gravure) printing. Both print processes are suited to high speed roll-to-roll processing.

Converters (industry)

Converting companies are companies that specialize in combining raw materials such as polyesters, adhesives, silicone, tapes, foams, plastics, felts, rubbers, liners and metals, as well as other materials, to create new products. Typical converting processes are coating, laminating and printing. Coating technologies can include hot melt coating, gravure coating, curtain coating and slot-die coating. The most common printing techniques are flexo printing and rotogravure (gravure) printing. Both print processes are suited to high speed roll-to-roll processing.