Coordination of Democratic Rights Organisations

Coordination of Democratic Rights Organisations (CDRO) is a union of twenty civil liberties and democratic rights associations in India. Its member organisations meet a minimum of three to four times annually, and all of them holds equal status within the CDRO, and work in the democratic manner. It was founded in August 2007 "in the context of the violent state repression of people's movements in India as well as the arrest of democratic rights activists."

Coordination of Democratic Rights Organisations

Coordination of Democratic Rights Organisations (CDRO) is a union of twenty civil liberties and democratic rights associations in India. Its member organisations meet a minimum of three to four times annually, and all of them holds equal status within the CDRO, and work in the democratic manner. It was founded in August 2007 "in the context of the violent state repression of people's movements in India as well as the arrest of democratic rights activists."