Corde della mia chitarra

"Corde della mia chitarra" (Strings of my guitar) was the Italian entry in the Eurovision Song Contest 1957, performed in Italian by Nunzio Gallo. With lyrics by Giuseppe Fiorelli and music by Mario Ruccione, including live guitar accompaniment provided by Piero Gozo, the song holds the distinction of being the longest song in the Contest's history. Writer John Kennedy O'Connor describes it as "over five minutes long" in his work on the Contest, and Des Mangan records it as "5 minutes and 9 seconds", as well as suggesting that the listener "would have thought of many better uses for the strings of his guitar". Following this Contest, the rule governing the length of entries was tightened to require them to be no longer than 3.5 minutes initially and later 3 minutes exactly, with both autho

Corde della mia chitarra

"Corde della mia chitarra" (Strings of my guitar) was the Italian entry in the Eurovision Song Contest 1957, performed in Italian by Nunzio Gallo. With lyrics by Giuseppe Fiorelli and music by Mario Ruccione, including live guitar accompaniment provided by Piero Gozo, the song holds the distinction of being the longest song in the Contest's history. Writer John Kennedy O'Connor describes it as "over five minutes long" in his work on the Contest, and Des Mangan records it as "5 minutes and 9 seconds", as well as suggesting that the listener "would have thought of many better uses for the strings of his guitar". Following this Contest, the rule governing the length of entries was tightened to require them to be no longer than 3.5 minutes initially and later 3 minutes exactly, with both autho