
The insect family Corduliidae contains the emerald dragonflies or green-eyed skimmers. These dragonflies are usually black or dark brown with areas of metallic green or yellow, and most of them have large, emerald-green eyes. The larvae are black, hairy-looking, and usually semiaquatic. Some genera: * Archaeophya – urflys * Cordulia – American emeralds * Dorocordulia – little emeralds * Epitheca – baskettails * Helocordulia – sundragons * Idionyx * Macromidia * Neurocordulia – shadowdragons * Somatochlora – striped emeralds * Williamsonia – boghaunters


The insect family Corduliidae contains the emerald dragonflies or green-eyed skimmers. These dragonflies are usually black or dark brown with areas of metallic green or yellow, and most of them have large, emerald-green eyes. The larvae are black, hairy-looking, and usually semiaquatic. Some genera: * Archaeophya – urflys * Cordulia – American emeralds * Dorocordulia – little emeralds * Epitheca – baskettails * Helocordulia – sundragons * Idionyx * Macromidia * Neurocordulia – shadowdragons * Somatochlora – striped emeralds * Williamsonia – boghaunters