Corredor Público

A Corredor Publico is a legal professional in Mexico with specific functions in the field of commerce. The main purpose of a Corredor Publico is to broker transactions between merchants. The position was redefined via legislation on December 28, 1992, as published in the Federal Official Daily Gazzette by the Mexican Congress. It is regulated under the Corredor Publico Federal Law, which has federal jurisdiction in Mexico for most of the functions in which the Corredor Publico is competent.

Corredor Público

A Corredor Publico is a legal professional in Mexico with specific functions in the field of commerce. The main purpose of a Corredor Publico is to broker transactions between merchants. The position was redefined via legislation on December 28, 1992, as published in the Federal Official Daily Gazzette by the Mexican Congress. It is regulated under the Corredor Publico Federal Law, which has federal jurisdiction in Mexico for most of the functions in which the Corredor Publico is competent.