Corrupted (band)

Corrupted are a Japanese doom/sludge metal band. They are known for their antipathy towards mainstream acceptance, even in their subgenre, which naturally tends towards obscurity. This is reflected not only in their dark and oppressive musical style but their reclusive nature, avoiding interviews and publicity photo shoots. Despite their lack of media exposure they have recorded prolifically throughout their career, including numerous split albums with many artists and perform regularly in Japan and occasionally abroad, twice to the United States.

Corrupted (band)

Corrupted are a Japanese doom/sludge metal band. They are known for their antipathy towards mainstream acceptance, even in their subgenre, which naturally tends towards obscurity. This is reflected not only in their dark and oppressive musical style but their reclusive nature, avoiding interviews and publicity photo shoots. Despite their lack of media exposure they have recorded prolifically throughout their career, including numerous split albums with many artists and perform regularly in Japan and occasionally abroad, twice to the United States.