Cory Wells & The Enemys

The story of The Enemys begins in Buffalo, New York in the mid-1960s, when vocalist Cory Wells joined a band called The Vibratos after leaving the U.S. Air Force. With the encouragement of the group’s manager, Wells headed to Los Angeles along with Vibratos guitar player Mike Lustan and drummer Dave Treiger. The trio recruited bass player Cal Titus and renamed themselves Cory Wells & The Enemys.

Cory Wells & The Enemys

The story of The Enemys begins in Buffalo, New York in the mid-1960s, when vocalist Cory Wells joined a band called The Vibratos after leaving the U.S. Air Force. With the encouragement of the group’s manager, Wells headed to Los Angeles along with Vibratos guitar player Mike Lustan and drummer Dave Treiger. The trio recruited bass player Cal Titus and renamed themselves Cory Wells & The Enemys.