Creativity (religion)

Creativity is a white supremacist new religious movement that was founded as the Church of the Creator in Lighthouse Point, Florida by Ben Klassen in 1973. Klassen designed the church to offer an all-encompassing worldview and racial religion based on veneration of the white race. Two separate organizations currently promote Creativity: the Creativity Movement (TCM) and the Creativity Alliance (also known as the Church of Creativity). The groups have common origins.

Creativity (religion)

Creativity is a white supremacist new religious movement that was founded as the Church of the Creator in Lighthouse Point, Florida by Ben Klassen in 1973. Klassen designed the church to offer an all-encompassing worldview and racial religion based on veneration of the white race. Two separate organizations currently promote Creativity: the Creativity Movement (TCM) and the Creativity Alliance (also known as the Church of Creativity). The groups have common origins.