
The cremà (origin from the Valencian word cremà, which means "burning") is the act of setting fire to Falla monuments made from materials such as cardboard and wood during the festivities of various locations of Valencia, Spain. These monuments are called fallas or bonfires, depending on the place they are held. Fallas are burnt in Valencia and the Bonfires of Saint John are held in Alicante. The celebration ends with the burning of the monuments.


The cremà (origin from the Valencian word cremà, which means "burning") is the act of setting fire to Falla monuments made from materials such as cardboard and wood during the festivities of various locations of Valencia, Spain. These monuments are called fallas or bonfires, depending on the place they are held. Fallas are burnt in Valencia and the Bonfires of Saint John are held in Alicante. The celebration ends with the burning of the monuments.