Crick, Monmouthshire

There is a Bronze Age round barrow just west of the village, measuring 31.7m in diameter and the only known bell barrow in Wales. It was excavated in 1940, and found to contain two cremations dating from around 1750-1450 BC. It also contained boulders showing cup marks, which it has been suggested show astronomically significant alignments. There is also evidence of an early Norman motte and bailey castle at Ballan Moor near Crick, probably built by the Ballon family in the late 11th or early 12th century.

Crick, Monmouthshire

There is a Bronze Age round barrow just west of the village, measuring 31.7m in diameter and the only known bell barrow in Wales. It was excavated in 1940, and found to contain two cremations dating from around 1750-1450 BC. It also contained boulders showing cup marks, which it has been suggested show astronomically significant alignments. There is also evidence of an early Norman motte and bailey castle at Ballan Moor near Crick, probably built by the Ballon family in the late 11th or early 12th century.