Croatian God Mars

Croatian God Mars (Croatian: Hrvatski bog Mars), is a collection of short stories, mostly anti-war and social topics by Miroslav Krleža, considered by many as the greatest Croatian writer of the 20th century. A short story collection that depicted the exploitation of peasants and the miserable condition of the Croatian soldier. Hrvatski bog Mars proved to be his most notable short story collection. It was first released in year 1922, then again in 1933, and in its final form in 1947.

Croatian God Mars

Croatian God Mars (Croatian: Hrvatski bog Mars), is a collection of short stories, mostly anti-war and social topics by Miroslav Krleža, considered by many as the greatest Croatian writer of the 20th century. A short story collection that depicted the exploitation of peasants and the miserable condition of the Croatian soldier. Hrvatski bog Mars proved to be his most notable short story collection. It was first released in year 1922, then again in 1933, and in its final form in 1947.