Crook Log

Crook Log is a locality around Watling Street (A207) within the London Borough of Bexley. It is also the name of a roadside Inn at the centre of the locality that dates from at least 1808, and possibly from considerably earlier as a building of that name appears in a 1738 document. An amateur theatre called the Edward Alderton Theatre is in Crook Log. The actor Roger Moore was once resident in this area.

Crook Log

Crook Log is a locality around Watling Street (A207) within the London Borough of Bexley. It is also the name of a roadside Inn at the centre of the locality that dates from at least 1808, and possibly from considerably earlier as a building of that name appears in a 1738 document. An amateur theatre called the Edward Alderton Theatre is in Crook Log. The actor Roger Moore was once resident in this area.