Cuban peso

The peso (ISO 4217 code: CUP, sometimes called the "national coin" or in Spanish moneda nacional) is one of two official currencies in use in Cuba, the other being the convertible peso (ISO 4217 code: CUC, occasionally called "dollar" in the spoken language). There are currently 25 CUP per CUC. Most Cuban state workers receive their wages in national pesos, but some receive a portion of their salary in convertible pesos. Shops that sell basics like fruit and vegetables generally accept only the normal peso. "Dollar shops" sell the rest. The word "pesos" may refer to both types of money.

Cuban peso

The peso (ISO 4217 code: CUP, sometimes called the "national coin" or in Spanish moneda nacional) is one of two official currencies in use in Cuba, the other being the convertible peso (ISO 4217 code: CUC, occasionally called "dollar" in the spoken language). There are currently 25 CUP per CUC. Most Cuban state workers receive their wages in national pesos, but some receive a portion of their salary in convertible pesos. Shops that sell basics like fruit and vegetables generally accept only the normal peso. "Dollar shops" sell the rest. The word "pesos" may refer to both types of money.