Curtain (poem)

Curtain is a poem by Helen Spalding which talks about the separation of two young lovers during World War II. The poem is set in the period of 1930-1946 against a turbulent, socio-political background. The separation is mutually imposed by the pair, who are called two ghosts, two Hamlets, and two soliloquies in the final stanza of the poem. The poem was also the prescribed portion in the AISSCE (CBSE 12th - India).

Curtain (poem)

Curtain is a poem by Helen Spalding which talks about the separation of two young lovers during World War II. The poem is set in the period of 1930-1946 against a turbulent, socio-political background. The separation is mutually imposed by the pair, who are called two ghosts, two Hamlets, and two soliloquies in the final stanza of the poem. The poem was also the prescribed portion in the AISSCE (CBSE 12th - India).