DD Urdu

DD Urdu is a state owned TV channel telecasting from Doordarshan Kendra in Delhi. Main aim for DD Urdu channel is to spread Urdu language between Indian citizens as this language is one of 18 listed language by Indian Government. Head office of DD Urdu is in New Delhi near Mandi House metro station. Broadcasting availability of DD Urdu is in India and parts of Asia, China and Gulf Countries.

DD Urdu

DD Urdu is a state owned TV channel telecasting from Doordarshan Kendra in Delhi. Main aim for DD Urdu channel is to spread Urdu language between Indian citizens as this language is one of 18 listed language by Indian Government. Head office of DD Urdu is in New Delhi near Mandi House metro station. Broadcasting availability of DD Urdu is in India and parts of Asia, China and Gulf Countries.