DEMIAP (Détection Militaire des Activités Anti-Patrie – Military Detection of Antipatriotic Activities) was the military intelligence organization of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. According to Belgian official sources in 2002, it falls under the authority, 'at least officially', of the chief of staff of Congolese Armed Forces (Forces armées congolaises, FAC), now succeeded by the was divided in two departements: * DEMIAP/Extérieur: External security * DEMIAP/Intérieur: Internal security * in charge of Action, * in charge of Administration and * in charge of Research.


DEMIAP (Détection Militaire des Activités Anti-Patrie – Military Detection of Antipatriotic Activities) was the military intelligence organization of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. According to Belgian official sources in 2002, it falls under the authority, 'at least officially', of the chief of staff of Congolese Armed Forces (Forces armées congolaises, FAC), now succeeded by the was divided in two departements: * DEMIAP/Extérieur: External security * DEMIAP/Intérieur: Internal security * in charge of Action, * in charge of Administration and * in charge of Research.