DIET is a software for grid-computing. As middleware, DIET sits between the operating system (which handles the details of the hardware) and the application software (which deals with the specific computational task at hand). DIET was created in 2000. It was designed for high-performance computing. It is currently developed by INRIA, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, CNRS, Claude Bernard University Lyon 1, SysFera. It is open-source software released under the CeCILL license. Like NetSolve/GridSolve and Ninf, DIET is compliant with the GridRPC standard from the Open Grid Forum.


DIET is a software for grid-computing. As middleware, DIET sits between the operating system (which handles the details of the hardware) and the application software (which deals with the specific computational task at hand). DIET was created in 2000. It was designed for high-performance computing. It is currently developed by INRIA, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, CNRS, Claude Bernard University Lyon 1, SysFera. It is open-source software released under the CeCILL license. Like NetSolve/GridSolve and Ninf, DIET is compliant with the GridRPC standard from the Open Grid Forum.