Dalby's Carminative

Dalby's Carminative was a medicinal product formula originally made by James Dalby of London, England, in the late 1770s. The formula claimed to aid “infants afflicted with wind, watery gripes, fluxes and other disorders of the stomach and bowels”. Ingredients included opium. The product was being sold in the United States by at least 1804. As listed in The Lancet, a recipe consists of; Tincture of opium - four drachms and a half Tincture of assafœtida - two drachms and a half Oil of carraways - three scruples Oil of peppermint - six scruples Tincture of castor - six drachms and a half

Dalby's Carminative

Dalby's Carminative was a medicinal product formula originally made by James Dalby of London, England, in the late 1770s. The formula claimed to aid “infants afflicted with wind, watery gripes, fluxes and other disorders of the stomach and bowels”. Ingredients included opium. The product was being sold in the United States by at least 1804. As listed in The Lancet, a recipe consists of; Tincture of opium - four drachms and a half Tincture of assafœtida - two drachms and a half Oil of carraways - three scruples Oil of peppermint - six scruples Tincture of castor - six drachms and a half