Dam tot Damloop

Dam tot Damloop (Dam to Dam Run in English) is an annual road running competition held in North Holland in the Netherlands. It is a Silver Label 10-mile race from Amsterdam to Zaandam. The event was first held as a fun run event in 1985 and elite runners were invited the following year, with world record holder Fernando Mamede and Dutch record holder Carla Beurskens taking the men's and women's titles. In the first five years of its running, Beurskens became a three-time winner of the race – an achievement since matched by Heléna Barócsi, Hellen Kimaiyo, Tegla Loroupe and Lornah Kiplagat.

Dam tot Damloop

Dam tot Damloop (Dam to Dam Run in English) is an annual road running competition held in North Holland in the Netherlands. It is a Silver Label 10-mile race from Amsterdam to Zaandam. The event was first held as a fun run event in 1985 and elite runners were invited the following year, with world record holder Fernando Mamede and Dutch record holder Carla Beurskens taking the men's and women's titles. In the first five years of its running, Beurskens became a three-time winner of the race – an achievement since matched by Heléna Barócsi, Hellen Kimaiyo, Tegla Loroupe and Lornah Kiplagat.