Danish Gold Coast

The Danish Gold Coast (Danish: Danske Guldkyst or Dansk Guinea) denotes the colonies that Denmark-Norway controlled in Africa as a part of the Gold Coast (roughly present-day southeast Ghana), which is on the petroleum and natural gas rich Gulf of Guinea. It was colonized by the Dano-Norwegian fleet, first under indirect rule by the Danish West India Company (a chartered company), later as a crown colony of the kingdom of Denmark-Norway.

Danish Gold Coast

The Danish Gold Coast (Danish: Danske Guldkyst or Dansk Guinea) denotes the colonies that Denmark-Norway controlled in Africa as a part of the Gold Coast (roughly present-day southeast Ghana), which is on the petroleum and natural gas rich Gulf of Guinea. It was colonized by the Dano-Norwegian fleet, first under indirect rule by the Danish West India Company (a chartered company), later as a crown colony of the kingdom of Denmark-Norway.