Day Software

Day Software was an enterprise content management software company headquartered in Basel, Switzerland and Boston, Massachusetts. Day Software was founded in 1993 in Basel, Switzerland. Day creates content management infrastructure software in the Day CRX product line and enterprise content management applications in the Day Communiqué product line. Its most important product is Day Communiqué WCM, a Web content management system that is used for public-facing websites and intranets of large corporations such as McDonald's, Avanza and Daimler.

Day Software

Day Software was an enterprise content management software company headquartered in Basel, Switzerland and Boston, Massachusetts. Day Software was founded in 1993 in Basel, Switzerland. Day creates content management infrastructure software in the Day CRX product line and enterprise content management applications in the Day Communiqué product line. Its most important product is Day Communiqué WCM, a Web content management system that is used for public-facing websites and intranets of large corporations such as McDonald's, Avanza and Daimler.