De bono mortis

De bono mortis ("Death as a good") is a sermon by St. Ambrose (340–397), a Doctor of the Church. The text, which argues that death is not a bad thing to be feared, was written between 387 and 391. A companion piece or supplement to his De Iacob, it was composed "as two sermons, perhaps for the catechumens awaiting baptism at Easter". Profoundly informed by neoplatonism, it is one of the texts through which Augustine of Hippo, Ambrose's pupil in Milan, came under the influence of that philosophy.

De bono mortis

De bono mortis ("Death as a good") is a sermon by St. Ambrose (340–397), a Doctor of the Church. The text, which argues that death is not a bad thing to be feared, was written between 387 and 391. A companion piece or supplement to his De Iacob, it was composed "as two sermons, perhaps for the catechumens awaiting baptism at Easter". Profoundly informed by neoplatonism, it is one of the texts through which Augustine of Hippo, Ambrose's pupil in Milan, came under the influence of that philosophy.