Death Wish Coffee

Founding the company Mike Brown quit his job as an accountant and opened up a coffee shop in Saratoga Springs, New York in 2008. The coffee shop experienced initial economic downfall due to menu inconsistency and the learning curve of creating and starting a new business. This required Brown to sell his house and move into his mother’s home at the age of 30 in order to maintain payments for the shop. In order to make an extra profit, Brown began selling coffee with high caffeine content after customers continually asked him for his strongest cup of coffee. Expansion after Super Bowl Commercial

Death Wish Coffee

Founding the company Mike Brown quit his job as an accountant and opened up a coffee shop in Saratoga Springs, New York in 2008. The coffee shop experienced initial economic downfall due to menu inconsistency and the learning curve of creating and starting a new business. This required Brown to sell his house and move into his mother’s home at the age of 30 in order to maintain payments for the shop. In order to make an extra profit, Brown began selling coffee with high caffeine content after customers continually asked him for his strongest cup of coffee. Expansion after Super Bowl Commercial