
Deep dreaming refers to the generation of images that desired activations in a trained deep network.For example, given a network that is trained to recognize cats (among other things), a dreamed cat image can be synthesized by performing a Gradient descent optimization adjusting a random image such that when it is fed forward through the trained network, it produces the "this is a cat" output.The optimization resembles Backpropagation, however instead of adjusting the network weights,the weights are held fixed and the input is adjusted.


Deep dreaming refers to the generation of images that desired activations in a trained deep network.For example, given a network that is trained to recognize cats (among other things), a dreamed cat image can be synthesized by performing a Gradient descent optimization adjusting a random image such that when it is fed forward through the trained network, it produces the "this is a cat" output.The optimization resembles Backpropagation, however instead of adjusting the network weights,the weights are held fixed and the input is adjusted.