Democratic Action Party (Spain)

The Democratic Action Party (Partido de Acción Democrática in Spanish language, PAD) was a Spanish political party of social democratic ideology. Founded by Francisco Fernández Ordóñez in late 1981 and was formed by 17 parliamentarians that had left the Union of the Democratic Centre (UCD) due to its conservative political positions. The PAD supported the PSOE in the 1982 general elections. The party was dissolved in 1983 and the majority of its members joined the PSOE.

Democratic Action Party (Spain)

The Democratic Action Party (Partido de Acción Democrática in Spanish language, PAD) was a Spanish political party of social democratic ideology. Founded by Francisco Fernández Ordóñez in late 1981 and was formed by 17 parliamentarians that had left the Union of the Democratic Centre (UCD) due to its conservative political positions. The PAD supported the PSOE in the 1982 general elections. The party was dissolved in 1983 and the majority of its members joined the PSOE.