Democrats 66 leadership election, 2006

The 2006 Democrats 66 leadership election was called to elect the new Leader of the Democrats 66 after incumbent Boris Dittrich announced his retirement from national politics. Dittrich who had been the leader of the party since the resignation of Thom de Graaf on 22 January 2003 did not stand for the leadership election. Alexander Pechtold the Minister for Government Reform and Kingdom Relations beat the Parliamentary leader of the Democrats 66 in the House of Representatives Lousewies van der Laan and business consultant Hein Westerouen van Meeteren.

Democrats 66 leadership election, 2006

The 2006 Democrats 66 leadership election was called to elect the new Leader of the Democrats 66 after incumbent Boris Dittrich announced his retirement from national politics. Dittrich who had been the leader of the party since the resignation of Thom de Graaf on 22 January 2003 did not stand for the leadership election. Alexander Pechtold the Minister for Government Reform and Kingdom Relations beat the Parliamentary leader of the Democrats 66 in the House of Representatives Lousewies van der Laan and business consultant Hein Westerouen van Meeteren.