Den Kongelige Gæst

Den Kongelige Gæst (English: The Royal Guest) is an opera in one act by Hakon Børresen; the libretto is by Svend Leopold, and is based on a story by Henrik Pontoppidan. The opera was first given on November 15, 1919, at the Royal Danish Theatre, and has since proven to be among the most popular of Danish operas. Duration: 1 hour

Den Kongelige Gæst

Den Kongelige Gæst (English: The Royal Guest) is an opera in one act by Hakon Børresen; the libretto is by Svend Leopold, and is based on a story by Henrik Pontoppidan. The opera was first given on November 15, 1919, at the Royal Danish Theatre, and has since proven to be among the most popular of Danish operas. Duration: 1 hour