Denny's Beer Barrel

Denny's Beer Barrel Pub is a small restaurant and bar, opened in September 1977 and located in Clearfield, Pennsylvania. Its claim to fame is its large hamburgers. Owned by Denny Liegey Sr., the restaurant keeps expanding the size of their hamburgers to keep the record as having the biggest. It started with a 2-pound burger challenge, working up to its current record of a 123-pound burger. Fame started in earnest in 1996 with the creation of the "Ye Olde 96er" a 6-pound burger with about 5 pounds of toppings. Patrons take the challenge of trying to finish it in the allocated time. College student Kate Stelnick of Princeton, New Jersey, weighing 115 pounds was the first person to successfully finish the 6-pound version, despite attempts by many others including local giant, Justin Dinkfelt,

Denny's Beer Barrel

Denny's Beer Barrel Pub is a small restaurant and bar, opened in September 1977 and located in Clearfield, Pennsylvania. Its claim to fame is its large hamburgers. Owned by Denny Liegey Sr., the restaurant keeps expanding the size of their hamburgers to keep the record as having the biggest. It started with a 2-pound burger challenge, working up to its current record of a 123-pound burger. Fame started in earnest in 1996 with the creation of the "Ye Olde 96er" a 6-pound burger with about 5 pounds of toppings. Patrons take the challenge of trying to finish it in the allocated time. College student Kate Stelnick of Princeton, New Jersey, weighing 115 pounds was the first person to successfully finish the 6-pound version, despite attempts by many others including local giant, Justin Dinkfelt,