Designated Member Review

A Designated Member Review (DMR) or Designated Subcommittee Review (DSR) is a review of a protocol where a committee designates one or more members of the committee to review a decisionmaking process or a protocol or procedure, a review which would ordinarily require the full committee's review. Typically this pertains to IACUCs. In protocols of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the United States, 'Correct Conduct of Full-Committee and Designated-Member Protocol Reviews', there are two ways a procedure or protocol can be reviewed, according to PHS policy. and Declining a DMR Request

Designated Member Review

A Designated Member Review (DMR) or Designated Subcommittee Review (DSR) is a review of a protocol where a committee designates one or more members of the committee to review a decisionmaking process or a protocol or procedure, a review which would ordinarily require the full committee's review. Typically this pertains to IACUCs. In protocols of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the United States, 'Correct Conduct of Full-Committee and Designated-Member Protocol Reviews', there are two ways a procedure or protocol can be reviewed, according to PHS policy. and Declining a DMR Request