Diabetic dermadrome

Diabetic dermadromes constitute a group of cutaneous conditions commonly seen in people with diabetes with longstanding disease. Conditions included in this group are: * Acral dry gangrene * Carotenosis * Diabetic dermopathy * Diabetic bulla * Diabetic cheiroarthropathy * Malum perforans * Necrobiosis lipoidica * Limited joint mobility is observed in roughly 30% of people with diabetes with longstanding disease. * Scleredema * Waxy skin is observed in roughly 50%.

Diabetic dermadrome

Diabetic dermadromes constitute a group of cutaneous conditions commonly seen in people with diabetes with longstanding disease. Conditions included in this group are: * Acral dry gangrene * Carotenosis * Diabetic dermopathy * Diabetic bulla * Diabetic cheiroarthropathy * Malum perforans * Necrobiosis lipoidica * Limited joint mobility is observed in roughly 30% of people with diabetes with longstanding disease. * Scleredema * Waxy skin is observed in roughly 50%.