Didier Bigo

Didier Bigo (b. 31 August 1956) is a French academic from Lille and Professor of International Relations at King's College London and at Sciences Po, Paris. He has written two books by himself (Polices en réseaux. L'expérience européenne. [1996] and Pouvoir et obéissance en Centrafrique. [1988]) and has been the editor for many others.

Didier Bigo

Didier Bigo (b. 31 August 1956) is a French academic from Lille and Professor of International Relations at King's College London and at Sciences Po, Paris. He has written two books by himself (Polices en réseaux. L'expérience européenne. [1996] and Pouvoir et obéissance en Centrafrique. [1988]) and has been the editor for many others.